3 GREAT VIDEOS 11-23-24
3 great pastors/authors/experts on the end times tell why it appears that Jesus may be coming back SOON!
To watch the videos - Click on the gray buttons, or search the titles in blue
Joseph Morris gives “new signs” that point to the return of Jesus! Watch his latest weekly video - click on the gray button Or go to Josephmorris.com and click on the EDU circle. Most of his videos are about 12 mins in length.
To watch the videos - Click on the gray buttons, or search the titles in blue
Joseph Morris gives “new signs” that point to the return of Jesus! Watch his latest weekly video - click on the gray button Or go to Josephmorris.com and click on the EDU circle. Most of his videos are about 12 mins in length.
THIS IS A MUST WATCH VIDEO! 48 mins. Watch the first 15 mins. and you will probably want to watch more!
Dr. John Barnett uses screen shots / pictures to show how SEVEN prophecies you can watch unfolding today - October 7 2024! Search…
Seven prophecies you can watch unfolding today – October 7, 2024 by Dr. John Barnett
The Great Disappearance
The Great Disappearance - The rapture and the 7 years of tribulation are explained in an interview with Dr. David Jeremiah. He assures us that we don’t want to miss the rapture and end up in the 7 years of tribulation 24 mins. Click on the gray button or Search…
The Great Disappearance - Interview with Dr. David Jeremiah
The Great Disappearance - Interview with Dr. David Jeremiah